If you like us then you always have a bunch of extra crayons that you don't know what to do with.
Here's a great, easy & simple DIY that will reuse those old crayons!
You will need:
[] A bunch of broken or old crayons
[]A cupcake pan (mini pans work much better)
[]Non-stick spray or cupcake inserts
1. Pre Heat the oven to 250
2. You are going to take all of the crayons you have and start peeling off
all of the paper :)
3. Once you have peeled off all the paper you can start breaking the crayons
into little pieces so you can mix the colors :)
4. Set them in your prepared cupcake pans.
5. Set them in the oven at 250 for ten minutes or until they are completely melted.
6. When they are completely melted take them out and let them cool.
This took about half an hour for us before we could remove them.
7. And there you go! A simple & easy way to make Multicolour Crayons.
I hope you all enjoyed this easy DIY :)