Birth Story Of Fayth Lee Rose Duda
January 13th 2011-
Maria called me and asked if I could watch Lukas while they went to pick up a car. Of course I said yes. At 6pm she came over and dropped him off. Fayth must have been jealous that he was in her swing, because at 6:30pm I started to get contractions. After weeks of having "faulse" labor I didn't really think to much of it.
I fed Taye supper, and at 7:30pm gave him his bath, I washed him, lotioned him, and got him in his Pj's. After he said goodnight to Dustin, Brandon and Alf I put him to bed. Gave him his cuddles and kisses and sang him his song. By this time it was 8pm. I was still feeling the contrations, they were timing out to be about 5 minutes apart and lasting between 30-45 seconds long. I really didn't want to get excited so I just continued on about my normal night. Lukas got hungry so I fed him his bottle, and changed him.
By this point the contractions were getting to the point where I was "panting" threw them. By 9pm I decided that I needed to have a bath to try and releave some of the pain. The bath really didn't help. I think this is when I realized I was in labor because any time I had "faulse" labor before a bath always helped. At 9:30pm I went and laid on the bed in our room, I panted threw the contractions for about ten minutes before Dustin came in to check on me. I told him I was 99% sure I was in labor and that I needed to go to the hospital.
He called Maria and asked how far away she was, she said they weren't far and asked what was happening. Dustin explained what was going on. She got here at 9:50pm and picked up Lukas. Dustin got me off the bed mid contraction (which didn't make me happy lol) got my coat on and helped me grab the last minute things, and we were off to the Lacombe Hospital.
We arrived at the Lacombe Hospital, They addmited me to Labor and Delivary at 10:15 pm. They asked me a bunch of questions, took my temperature and blood pressure then put me on the monitor for 20 minutes. Everything looked great, she was moving and her heart was beating perfect. They checked my cervix, I was 3cms dilated, fully engaged, fully effaced and my waters were bulging. The doctor came in shortly afterwards and told us that they were sending us to The Red Deer Regional Hospital. He told us he was sure she would be born within 12 hours.
Dustin bet me she wouldn't be born before 3am. We bet 20$.
At 10:50pm we were relised from the Lacombe Hospital. We went to mowhawk to get gas, then made our way to Red Deer. The roads were horrific, we couldn't see a foot infront of us, they were very icy and we couldn't see the lines on the road. We finally arrived at the Red Deer Regional Hospital and got up the the Labor and Delivary at 11:45pm. They put us in room #21. I got changed into the gown, went pee and got in the bed. They asked me more questions which seemed to take forever.
January 14th 2011-
At 12am they checked me again, Dustins driving must have helped my labor along because I was 6-7 centemeters. At 12:10am they checked my temperature and blood pressure then hooked me up to the monitor again for 20 minutes. They took the monitors off at 12:30am and told me everything was perfect she looked great, and that I was now free to labor as I pleased. 5 minutes later my Mom got there, she was so excited to be there, to meet our beautiful little girl, whom we happened to be naming after her.
At 12:45am they checked me again, I was a ful 9cms. They calked Dr. Atchison to come in and break my waters so I could have her.
By 1am, I was really starting to feel the contrations, they became very intense and close together. They offered me laughing gas, which I really didn't end up using because every time I would it would screw up my breathing. We sat there and talked and laughed in between contrations, So excited impatient, and ready for her arrival.
At 1:28am Dr.Atchison arrived, she got all "suited up" and ready to break my waters. Right as she was getting ready to break my waters I looked at her with the biggest grin on my face and said "I don't think you need to break my waters" as they lifted up the blankets.Everyone had a good chuckle. At 1:34am my waters ruptured natually. At this point they realised that Fayth had pooped inside me. Dr.Atchison broke it to us that I would not get to hold her right after she was born because of it.
Within seconds after my waters went I felt the urge to push. At 1:42am I started to push. With one contraction and 3 big pushes I had her head half out. I had to wait for the next contration, and I remember that being the most painful uncomfertable part of my labor. With the next contration and two more big pushes Fayth Lee Rose was born.
Fayth Lee Rose Duda
Born January 14th 2011
At 1:49am
Weighing 7lbs 11oz (3500g)
20in" long (51cms)
35.5 cm head
Very Last Photo Of Her In My Belly
Daddy Helping Mommy Threw Contractions
Seconds Before She Was Born
Daddy Cutting The Cord (First Photo Of Her)
One Of The Best Moments Of My Life
One Of The Best Moments Of My Life
Checking Her To make Sure She Didn't Inhale Any Poop
First Time I got To Hold Her / First Time She Nursed
She Held Her Daddies Hand The Whole Time She Nursed For The First Time.
Daddy Holding Her For The First Time.
Teeny Little Feet!