
Blog #97

9 more days until my son is four, Oh my goodness.

So i was asked what things we have to pay for each month,
I am not going to tell you how much we make a month, but I will tell you the many things we have to worry about each month.

Rent: $1475
Utilities: (included in our rent)
Food: $300 - $400
Insurance: $100
Diesel: $200
Cable&Internet&Phone: $150
Savings: $200
Wedding Savings: $200
Diapers: $50
Wipes: $15
Clothing: $60
Home Improvements: $50
Other: $50 (basically an emergency fund)

The rest of the money we have just been trying to set aside in our savings account, which has nothing to do with the money set aside for savings already lol.

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