
Blog #87 - Potty Training Help

How are you all today?

I was asked how we potty trained Taye, So i thought this would be a good topic to post a blog about. 

So First I'm going to start by saying I firmly believe that once you decided to potty train that is the end of diapers. NOT even at night. Why? because i found that my son would hold his poop until he would have a pull up on at night.

There are many tactics to try so here are a few different things we tried.

There is the reward tactic, The way we did it was if he went pee he would get a sucker, and if he went poop he could have a sucker and a chocolate milk.

There is the sticker tactic, Make a chart and allow them to put a sticker on for peeing, pooping, flushing the toilet, and washing their hands. 
(this is an example, I do not own rights to this photo.)

If you have boys and you are trying to teach them to pee standing up you could try putting food colouring in the toilet (so when they pee it changes colours), and Cherrio's or Fruit loops in the toilet (so they have something to aim for)

Disclaimer: I am not telling you this is how you HAVE to potty train your child, I am not claiming that what im telling you will work for your child, Please remember that all kids are different and what worked for my son may not work for your child.

If you have any helpful tips and tricks please comment below
I hope this really helps you :)
Thanks for reading

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