
Easter Prep - [03.31.12] - #152

Another Holiday is here already, time seems to be passing so quick.
We woke up this morning and decided we would take the kids to see the Easter bunny, so we all got dressed and ready and headed out for the day. 
We went into the city to the mall and they got their photo taken.

[insert Easter Photo Here]

After we decided to enjoy a nice yummy meal at the mall (we never eat out lol)
We must have been in  a spending mood because we decided to get both the kids a brand new pair of DC's. $100 Later, Not that it matters they both love their shoes.
And we would rather pay the money and have them be comfortable all the time, makes our life's allot easier :)

Taye had so many people comment on his hair today, He thought it was pretty funny and would tell them he loves his hawk. He was more than happy to rock out his hawk and his new kicks (as he calls them). 
And the looks Fayth got walking around in her little dress with her new little DC's. She was more than excited to be in the mall running around with her Daddy chasing behind her :)

Enjoy your Saturday everyone! 


Special Visitors - [03.30.12] - #151

Dustins little cousins Sammy and Maverick came over for a few days, Sammy is going to be one of our flower girls and Maverick is going to be one of ring bearers.

 Sammy and Fayth just love playing together, its so sweet. There having so much fun here, played and made friends with every kids in our close lol.


Easter Bunny Cupcakes - [03.29.12] - #150

How to make it:
1. Frost a cupcake (baked from your favorite recipe) with white icing and sprinkle on shredded coconut fur.

2. Cut a large marshmallow in half widthwise. Squeeze each half slightly to give it an oval shape, then decorate the sticky side of each one with pink decorators' sugar and set them in place for ears.

3. Add a jelly bean nose and either jelly bean or snipped Sweet Tart eyes, and mini marshmallows for cheeks. For a finishing touch, draw on decorators' gel pupils or whiskers if you like.


Glitter Eggs - [03.28.12] - #149

Im on a craft binge, I love love love crafts I cannot help it.

What you will need:
Double-sided "Flora" sticker roll
Blown-out eggs (Martha used pheasant eggs)
Coloured glitter
Canned air
Standard 1/4-inch hole punch

How to make it:
1. Remove double-sided stickers from roll and place on the egg, keeping the paper on the top part of the sticker intact (tweezers help with this).

2. Once you have covered the egg with stickers, remove the paper covering the other sticky side of each sticker.

3. Roll the egg in glitter, making sure to get glitter on each sticker.

4. Blow on the egg with canned air to remove excess glitter.


Paper Easter Bags - [03.27.12] - #148

What you will need:
Colored paper bags and construction paper (both available at craft stores)
Eyelet kit (available at sewing stores)
Utility knife
Flower and leaf templates
Microhole punch (or awl)
2-foot length of 2-inch-wide wired ribbon

How to make it:
1. Fold down the top of each bag four times, creating a 1 1/2-inch-wide band.
2. Trace flower and leaf templates onto construction paper (or create your own shapes). Cut them out with a utility knife.
3. Using a microhole punch or an awl, pierce the center of each flower, the base of each leaf, and the front of the bag, or its band. Arrange flowers and leaves on the bag so that all the holes line up.
4. Push a metal eyelet through the holes from the outside of the bag in. Insert the eyelet post (included in the kit) into the back of the eyelet; hammer from the back of the eyelet until the eyelet flattens.
5. Punch holes at each end of the band, and fit with the eyelets. Thread the wired ribbon through the holes; knot to secure, and trim the ends.


Envelope Bunnies - [03.26.12] - #147

Heres another really easy cute Easter craft idea :)

How To Make It:
1. Seal the flap of an envelope, and draw bunny ears on the sealed side, as shown below. You can draw your own or use our bunny ear template
2. Cut along the line through both layers of the envelope. 
3. Flip the envelope over; what was the side of the envelope becomes the bottom of your treat holder. 
4. Cut pink construction paper to make eyes and insides of ears, and glue them on the front of the envelope. Use colored pencil for mouth; glue on a pom-pom nose. Fill with yummy Easter sweets.


Playing With Mommy - [03-25-12] - #146

I have to admit those times where we get one on one with the kids alone at home, well its just so nice. The kids just love the attention and love the fact that for once its alllll about them lol.

Fayth and I got this today:)

I adore he more than anything, I'm so proud to have such amazing children, its truly the most amazing gift 


Update. [03-24-12] - #145

So i hate to admit I haven't been on allot lately which really sucks BUT, my grandfather just had open heart surgery on Wednesday March 21st /2012 for the second time. I've been spending allot of time with the family, sadly his surgery is 2 hours away and i cant be there. He's out of ICU and should be home between Thursday and Saturday, so hopefully he continues to get better.

But that's not even the beginning, Dustin's grandma has breast cancer and they had to remove her lymph nodes. She has been given only 6 months to live.

Once everything calms down with the family and i have the spear time away from everything i'll get back on track with both my blog and vlogs on youtube.

I hope everyone can be understanding during this time I know I'm super backed up on everything I'm sorry.


Another Easter Craft - [03.23.12] - #144

Want to make a personalized Easter bookmark?
Well keep reading :)

What You Will Need
Honey bunny bookmark template
Thick paper
Self-seal laminate sheets
Scissors or utility knife
White chenille pipe cleaners
Wire clippers
Hole punch
Photo of child

How To Make It
1. Print Honey bunny bookmark template onto thick paper.
2. Laminate both sides of paper using self-seal laminate sheets.
3. Cut out bookmark.
4. Wrap white chenille stems around arms, ears, and head of cutout.
5. Clip with wire clippers, and tuck in ends when finished.
6. To make the head, use an inch and a half hole punch to make a disk from the same sheet of paper used to cut out the template.
7. Use hole punch to make a hole in center of the disk.
8. Twist white chenille pipe cleaners through hole in disk.
9. Cut out picture of child using inch and a half hole punch.
10. Apply glue to back of photo and attach photo to disk.
11. Apply glue to edge of disk and attach to body.


Easter Craft - [03.22.12] - #143

Want to learn how to make this?
What You will Need?
Round Wooden Beads In Different Sizes
Pipe Cleaner
Acrylic Paint
Mini Pom Pom
A Small Black Marker

How You Make It:
1. Paint two beads (one large and one small) with acrylic paint.
2. Bead the pipe cleaner threw making an M shape
3. When the beads have dried, bend the ends of the pipe cleaner under the larger bead to form two big feet, and adjust the loops above the smaller bead for ears.
4. Glue on the mini pom pom on for the tail
5. Use your black maker to draw on the face, mouth, whiskers and nose :)

There ya go!


A Daddys Love - [03.21.12] - #142

There is no love like a fathers love.

A father loves a daughter
Like no other love on earth.
From the day that he first meets her
Nothing can compare her worth.
Forever are they bonded
With a love that never fails.
For always he will hug her
And kiss goodnight with fairy tales.
He will love her and protect her
With strong arms just in case
But will also hug her tenderly
With a fatherly embrace.
Eskimo kisses touch her nose
With a giggle and a squeeze
And that sparkle in her little eyes
Could bring him to his knees.
What more could any father want
Than a daughter so sweet and pure
There's nothing in this world so rare
Of that he can be sure.
A fathers love is so unique
It cannot be replaced
He will always treasure times with her
And the memories embraced.


Nakey Baby!! - [03.20.12] - #141

I dont know about your kids, but Fayth loves to be naked, she loves showing off her big belly. I'm still not 100% sure why she loves to be naked so much, maybe its cause our house holds heat so darn well were all always super hot?

I just think its so funny, shes so my kid I never wanted to wear clothing until I was 7 years old my parents used to have to beg me to keep my clothes on long enough for us to go to a store or a park lol.


Taytor's Bike - [03.19.12] - #140

Taye loves his bike, he loves to do burn outs (spinning his tire) and doing tricks like putting his feet on the pegs, its so cute.

 His Grandpa Pete (my Dad) bought him his bike for his second birthday, he's loved his bike from the very first moment he seen it.
 Dustins been working with him to get rid of the training wheels, hes taken them off a couple times already and Tayes doing great :)


A Day At The Park - [03.18.12] - #139

It was just nice enough to walk to the store and play at the park.
My kids love the park, they just run around chasing each other and screaming out all their energy, its so funny because you get them home afterwards and their so tired they can barely stay awake until bed time lol.
