
The Harsh - [03.13.12] - #134

Today from the begging to the end was just terrible. I have had an altercation with a family member simply because they choice to insult me in numerous different ways. It's basically what I dealt with all day so today's blog is going to be short.

I don't really want to get into what happened because I'm still very livid over it and I don't want to call this person out.

So besides that we woke up this morning, ate a yummy breakfast (fried eggs on cheese toast) And both my awesome kids helped me tidy up :) We coloured pictures for Dad, built a tall castle, and got some good old cuddle time in. 

Like I said yesterday we have decided were done with having a gate on the stairs (going upstairs). Its been so nice having her be able to go upstairs and play with her brother. We have been waiting for this for a long time. They keep each other so busy, and it gives me a little extra time to get things done that aren't so easy when you have kids at your feet :) Plus they both love it, Taye was so excited that his baby sister could come play in his room any time he wants.

Anyways guys I have my best friend coming over so I should probably post this and get off :) Thanks for reading! 

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