
Update. [03-24-12] - #145

So i hate to admit I haven't been on allot lately which really sucks BUT, my grandfather just had open heart surgery on Wednesday March 21st /2012 for the second time. I've been spending allot of time with the family, sadly his surgery is 2 hours away and i cant be there. He's out of ICU and should be home between Thursday and Saturday, so hopefully he continues to get better.

But that's not even the beginning, Dustin's grandma has breast cancer and they had to remove her lymph nodes. She has been given only 6 months to live.

Once everything calms down with the family and i have the spear time away from everything i'll get back on track with both my blog and vlogs on youtube.

I hope everyone can be understanding during this time I know I'm super backed up on everything I'm sorry.

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