
I didnt know i was pregnant? - [05.01.12] - #183

Have you ever seen I didnt know i was pregnant?
It's a show about woman who go the whole 9 months of their pregnancy without even knowing they were pregnant, no weight gain, no symptoms. 

Could you imagine, I wouldn't know what to think. I know me personally I have had cramps so bad and just ignored it, these woman give birth anywhere from their toilet, bed, kitchen, living room to in the car, everywhere.

What would you think? What would you do?
I think I would be freaking out, I would be in shock, I would feel so terrible not knowing I was pregnant, I would be sad to miss out on my whole pregnancy, knowing that i didnt have any care.

I think we would just have to hope for everything to be ok and make it work like i have twice before, I would be terrified, but I would just want the baby to be healthy and ok.

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